One of my favorite places to visit and stay is Shipshewana Indiana. It is like a second home to me, a place where I always feel the peace and love of the community.

On my last trip to Shipshewana this past April I visited Rebecca at Rebecca Haarer Arts and Antiques shop. Her shop is not only filled with wonderful antiques but many, many beautiful quilts. As we walked to where all the Quilts were stored, there was a beautiful nine patch quilt that was surrounded by smaller squares hanging on the wall. The quilt was started in the 1890s and thought to be finished in the 1920s. It was meticulously hand pieced together, just amazing especially because there's over 4000 squares in the quilt. I knew that I wanted to bring the quilt home. Rebecca talked about the quilt being finished many years later and that may be the person that finished it wanted to make the quilt larger. For those of you that know me, that is the first thing I do when I look at a quilt is to figure out how I can make it king-sized. I am not sure why I do that but I knew at that moment that there was no doubt that I had to take the quilt with me.

I thought of the quilter through the entire process and I wondered so much about what she thought, what her stash was like, what age did she make the quilt at, so many things I wanted to know the answers to but the information was not available. Even the name of the quilter I did not have. I named the quilt, Rebecca's quilt because it was Rebecca who inspired me that day in her shop.

The quilt finishes 102 x 111". It was a little bit larger than the original so that the pieces would be easy measurements to work with . I love the finished design this quilt makes, The quilter just wasn't placing squares wherever, she had a plan. I cannot wait to find another wonderful antique quilt like this to reproduce.
If you would like to make Rebecca's quilt, The pattern can be ordered for $12 . Click here :
The CD will contain at least a dozen photos, EQ file and diagram, block templates, and directions for assembling the quilt.
Hope you have a wonderful day and find a little bit of time to work on a special project.
Happy stitching,
Happy stitching,